A retelling of Rye and Obsidian's meeting
A retelling of Rye and Obsidian's meeting
In "Speech Sounds" by Octavia Butler - told from Obsidian's point of view
Rock was not surprised when he saw the bus on the side of the road. He often saw abandoned vehicles, either broken or out of fuel. By now all the cars with extra fuel had been stripped and left derelict. No, Rock was depressed and scared when he saw the bus. Depressed because he saw yet another fight brewing on the bus. Scared because he knew there would be casualties. There always were. Regardless of how he broke up the fight. Instead, Rock decided to rescue someone. To save someone and make some good with what little life there was left on earth. As Rock made a U-turn, he saw people filing out the back of the bus. Many began walking down the road, treating the stop like the common occurrence it was. However, Rock noticed a woman standing a safe but optimistic distance from the bus, still hoping to re-enter once the fight subsided. But Rock knew someone will be dead by then. Everyone in the bus might be dead by then. Rock, assuming the woman was the least impaired of those gotten off, pointed to the bus to ask if anyone she knew was inside. She merely pointed to the bus, then punched the air, confirming what Rock already knew, a fight.
Quickly and efficiently, Rock removed his coat, revealing his Los Angeles Police Department uniform, baton, and service revolver. He preceded to remove his last gas grenade from his jacket and returned the jacket to the car. Quickly, Rock proceeded to the driver’s side window, primed the grenade, and threw it in the bus. The effect was instantaneous. Soon combatants and bystanders alike began stumbling out of the bus. The woman he saw earlier was helping the bystanders out of the way of the combatants.
Rock made his way to the front of the bus where he helped the bus driver out. But as he did the driver began threatening and gesturing at Rock. Rock had seen this sort of behavior often and knew the best course of action was to let the driver run out of steam.
Rock tried to invite the woman to go with him in his car. Rock hoped he could make her life a bit better, and she was attractive…no. He knew the time for affection was passed. The other men, seeing Rock interact with the woman, began gesturing at the woman, then to Rock, clearly implying they were together. Again, Rock ignored them, keeping his focus on the woman. She carefully analyzed him and after contemplating her options, she seemed to decide it was safe to go with him.
After driving for a while, Rock remembered to introduce himself. He handed her his Rock pendant hoping that she would get the right idea for his name. Or rather, the name he used nowadays. Before The End he used some strange name like Dwayne, but Rock was more accurate now. He had to be strong and immovable to survive here.
-Kai Schwartz
Hi Kai! I like this spin on the perspectives, and how you made it so Obsidian's name wasn't actually Obsidian, but something similar enough that it still made sense. (I also like the reference to Dwayne Johnson lol).
ReplyDeleteDWAY-- *vine boom* DWAYNE THE-- *vine boom* DWAYNE "THE BIG ROCK" JOHNSON???? *vine----
ReplyDeleteAhem, sorry about that. I really like how much detail you incorporated into this retelling, and how you expanded on what Obsidian (or dwayne the huge big rock johnson) was thinking during this interaction. It's interesting to see that Obsidian really was on a similar wavelength to Rye during the course of the story! And all jokes aside, I do feel like choosing "Rock" as his name was a good choice, and the last sentence you wrote about having to be "strong and immovable" summarizes his protective personality really well. Good job :)